How to Set Up Custom Fields

In this article, we discuss what custom fields are and how to set them up.


From the navigation menu, go to Settings > Custom Fields.



This will take you to the Custom Fields page. Here, you will see a list of pre-existing Active custom fields. This is because the “Active” checkbox is marked.


Click on the “Inactive” checkbox to show inactive fields. The inactive fields' names will be in red.

The columns represent where the custom fields are being assigned to (i.e. Contract, Direct Hire, Team, etc.).


Click on a custom field name to take you to its details page (in the image, we clicked on Account Manager).



To add a new custom field, click on the Add Custom Field button.


Enter the name of your new custom field in the Custom Field Name box. 

There are three custom field types:

Team Members: a dropdown menu of team members

Custom List: a dropdown menu of values you provide

Free form: allows you to determine the type of data you want the field to accept, and has data validation

Team Members

If you select Team Members for the field type, the list will be created from the list of Team Members you have entered into Bilflo under the People section. (To view your list of team members, from the navigation menu, navigate to People > Team Members.)

This allows you to attribute and give credit to team members for a specific custom field. 


Under the Custom Field Location section, there is a list of different parts of the application (Contract Job, Direct Hire Start, Team Job, etc.). Select the checkbox next to the locations where you want your custom field to appear. You can also decide whether you want the custom field to be required by selecting the Required checkbox next to the location name. 


If you select an area of the application that requires a split, in the Sales and Gross Profit Splitting section of this page, the name of the field location should appear under Service Offering with an empty field next to it under Split %. Enter the split amount in the empty field. 

If you want 100% of the profits to go to the team member, enter “100” into the field. If you want 50% or another amount to go to the team member, and the rest to go to someone else (such as a recruiter) enter a different number. NOTE: You will have to set up another custom field for that other person (i.e. recruiter) so that the profits can be split properly.



Once you’re done, click on the Save button.

Custom List


If you select the “Custom List” radio button, a Custom List section will appear on the page. Under this section is a list of values. You can click the “Show inactive” checkbox to show inactive values in red. You can sort the values either alphabetically or manually, by selecting the corresponding radio button under Sort.


If you select “Manually,” arrows will appear next to the values. You can click on the up or down arrows to move the values up or down the list. 

To add a new value click on the Add button at the bottom of the list of values. A pop-up window titled, “Custom Field,” will appear. 


Enter the name of the new value in the Custom Field Name field, ensure “Active” is checked, and then click on the Save button.

The new value has now been added to the list of custom values. 


Under Custom Field Location, select the checkbox next to the locations where you want your custom field to appear. You can also decide whether you want the custom field to be required by selecting the Required checkbox next to the location name. 

After you’re finished, click on the Save button.

Free Form


If you select the “Free form” radio button, a Data Type section will appear on the page. This allows you to choose which data type you want to be accepted in this custom field. The available data types are: Date, Number, Textbox, Phone, and Email. 

Select the radio button next to the data type you want.

Under Custom Field Location, select the checkbox next to the locations where you want your custom field to appear. You can also decide whether you want the custom field to be required by selecting the Required checkbox next to the location name. 

Click on the Save button.