How to troubleshoot a PBI not showing in reports

In this article, we'll look at how to troubleshoot a PBI not showing in reports as you might expect.



  1. As an admin, click Settings > Pay Bill Items, and select the Pay Bill Item in question.
  2. View the attributes attached to the Pay Bill Item (PBI) on the page and look for "Include in Contract Sales", and "Include in Cost".
    1. Make sure those attribute values are set to "Yes".
  3. If they are not displayed on the PBI page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Add Attribute".
  4. In the Add Attribute modal, find "Include in Contract Sales", and "Include in Cost" and click "Add Attribute" for each and click Close.
    1. Make sure those attribute values are set to "Yes" after they've been attached to the PBI.
  5. Scroll to the top of the page and click "Save"

Moving forward, Transactions that are using the PBI will have the attribute values which will ensure the PBI shows in reports for respective Cost Subtotal and Sales Subtotal.

If you need to update existing Transactions, please reach out to Bilflo Support for help.